Daily writing prompt
Have you ever been camping?

Oh, I used to go camping all the time! We live in the most beautiful place with some of the most amazing camp grounds within an hours drive from my house. This is inclusive of Fraser Island, Stradbroke Island, Bribie Island, Rainbow Beach, Double Island – so many beautiful places. I just have to share some of the photos I have collected over the years because if you ever decide to come to Queensland, Australia – you have to see these locations!

ps. Fraser Island is now called K’gari, but I have known it my entire life as Fraser Island so that’s what we’re rolling with today.

Double Island Point

I spent a lot of my teenage years and early twenties at Double Island, accessible through Noosa which is about an hours drive from us, it is just such an incredible place.

Sunrise on Fraser Island

Fraser is accessible off Inskip point which is at Rainbow beach. We could be on Fraser Island within two hours, inclusive of heading over the barge. I am honestly sitting here wondering why in the damn hell I don’t go there more now…

Lake Mackenzie – Fraser Island

This water was freezing though, I actually couldn’t bring myself to get into the water because it was so cold and I am 100% a Queenslander when it comes to the cold. But the water is so beautiful, even the tranquility of this photo just brings me peace.

For a Capricorn who cannot swim – ya girl loves the water.

I am so inspired to go to these places again, we may just need to organise a trip when my hubby to be is home. Watch this space.

Happy Monday.

Sarah x

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