I am very transparent on this blog. I am extremely open about my plans and how I want my life to look. There are a few reasons for this.

I want to share my journey into anything being possible. I want people to see that I am just here, fumbling through it all, working it out as I go and help normalise that done is better than perfect.

Yesterday, I received my first paid subscriber to my blog. Now, I’m not going to make any money off this one subscription because I have to run the platform and the fees outweigh the subscription costs. But it is still overwhelmingly exciting for me that I have a start.

The purpose of this blog is bringing manifestations and intentions into reality. There is endless content out there about how to manifest, how to use your intuition, instructions on magic spells and using crystals to manifest.. But how to we put that into real life? What are real world examples on how these manifestations landed?

This is where my commitment to subscribers comes into play.

My blog is where I share my daily adventures, thoughts, experiences and essentially any thought or story that comes into my consciousness. So my commitment here, is to write about my life, then with anyone who wants to, share how I manifested what I wanted in my life.

I am in the process of figuring out how to be a business owners while I have endometriosis, am on and off pain medication and trying to run a house hold without loosing everything I worked for. With the help if my amazingly supportive fiancé of course.

So todays story – How I increased household cashflow.

I did a little magic spell on Monday, setting an intention to increase our cashflow. It paid off, very quickly, but not in the way you might expect. As an experienced energy biddy, I know that it doesn’t matter how they manifestation lands. I surrender the how to the universe to do as it sees fit and bring my intention in, in the most appropriate way. The universe and our guides know far more than we do and the day you stop trying to control or manipulate how they deliver your best life is the day you really become aware of how powerful these intentions are.

So the day after my little intentional manifestation, my partner got an email from his mobile phone provider that they are reducing the cost of his bill by $30 per month.

Now, $30 may not seem like a huge amount of money. But the universe is always testing gratitude and gratitude is a very powerful amplifier. And the way my intention was delivered.. I didn’t earn an extra $30 per month, but we still now have an extra $30 a month to do something with which I think is brilliant.

When we open our minds up to the infinite and limitless ways the universe can provide, we receive the gifts so much faster.

So! What did I do?

How to manifest a boost in cashflow

Subscribe to gain access to manifestation instructions!

So I will be here, once or twice a day to share my stories and my tried and tested manifestations with you.

Lots of love,

Sarah x

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