Alllllrighty then. As I have so openly discussed on many occasion, I am a spiritual medium and every now and again I get really annoying, relentless energy pushing me in a certain direct. At the moment the topic of that direction is discussing abundance. So here we are, after being pushed for a fair few days on end and getting random downloads throughout the day.

You cannot attract abundance without creating the opportunity for said abundance to enter the chat.

So – what do I mean by that?! If you’re taking inspired action to create abundance… lets say you’re reading my weekly newsletter which I send out every single Monday and has small witchy tips on whatever it is I vibe that week – you can sign up to this HERE – and you’ve done the Citrine in the money corner manifestation. You’re beginning to change the energy around you but you haven’t yet created an opportunity for this energy to land. How is the abundance going to come to you?

So this is where understand your finances and money comes into play. Now if you own a business or you are a consultant or sales person, you have already created the opportunity for the abundance to land. You just need to continue to change the energy. I did this a lot in Real Estate and the leads I would receive with minimal effort was incredible, so, if you already have this set up then you need not worry about how you’re going to have the energy land.


If you do not already have the above in place, we need to do some work around creating this for yourself. This begins the form of unsolicited advice that comes from my own experience and the steps I took to allow the universe to divert and land energy when and how it saw fit. So to start with, do you understand your money. Chances are, probably not because as a society we were not taught how to manage money at school and unless you’re an accountant or studied business or money management you won’t have been provided with the tools you need.

Self education is key. Here are some resources for you to educate yourself around money from people with genuine experience. The She’s on the Money books and podcast were game changing for me. I have included a few links below for you to source these resources I so deeply resonated with and spend some time getting to know how you can better understand your money.

The Podcast is free but I would highly recommend reading her books as well.

So from there, what I personally did was download a Budget Tracker from the internet because I am an excel fiend and it works so well for me. I use this one personally CLICK HERE but it is quite involved so you may prefer to find a more simple version. It’s boujee and aesthetic and I just love it. But make this project your own.

Okay so. I have an investment fund. It is a mix of ETF’s, bonds, shares, property and cash. It is a growth based fund so it is a higher risk % which suits us as we are in our early thirties and don’t need access to this cash for a long time. The fund itself is also highly diversified. Note – I do not manage this. I have near on nothing to do with it. If you have read the books I have recommended, Victoria Devine talks so much about micro investing and she provides you with platforms and essentially everything you need to start investing – GO AND READ THE DAMN BOOK – however, by the time I picked it up I had already had my Financial Advisor and just overall amazing friend engaged to look after this for me. Guys, I don’t have the smarts, patience or passion for this so I delegated but you need to make the decision that is right for you here. Think about it and talk to people before you decide.

We also own two properties. One is purely an investment and the other is our principle place of residency. I had already bought, renovated and sold a house prior to purchasing our current home before meeting my now fiancé. He purchased his investment unit prior to us becoming defacto and getting engaged.

The reason I am sharing this with you is I want you to understand that abundance does not come from just putting a Citrine in the money corner of your home. Abundance comes from taking inspired action, adding some magic and then creating physical ways for the energy to land. I do not control the return on my investment fund. I also do not control the property market and the ever changing value of property. What I control is what I do on a daily basis and where I focus my energy. I also control opening myself up to opportunity for the universe to provide abundance when the time is right, think of it as opening the intentional portal but handing the control over to your guides to provide.

So many people come to mediums because they feel trapped or lost. They don’t know what to do to help themselves or where to start in creating a better life for themselves. When I read this book, one of the biggest things that stood out to me as an spiritual biddy and energy based person was the simplicity of creating the opportunity for yourself and the kind and beautiful intention behind the purpose of the She’s on the Money empire.

And I am always learning. One thing I had not done which Victoria talks about a lot on every platform is high interest savings accounts and earning up to 5.5% on your cash and utilising offset account to save you money in monthly interest fees and I will share this with you because it is just such a simple inspired action that has created so much abundance in my life.

Since utilising my offset accounts I have saved our household over $2,100 in interest fees since January.

Guess what I did with the money we saved – I invested it.

I talk about energy and manifestations constantly because it is who I am and my belief system. But I really wanted to bring home the missing link in so many peoples manifestations which is creating opportunity for those manifestations to land. Sitting and wishing on the couch isn’t going to allow anything to actually eventuate. We need to always remember that the next step in any form of manifestation is inspired action and creating opportunity for the universe to provide.

I want to really hone in on some key points on this post before I finish up because it is so important for you to understand the purpose behind it.

  • These are my personal experiences
  • I am not a financial planner or advisor, it is not my expertise
  • Educate yourself and figure out how you can understand your money better
  • Create opportunities for yourself for the universe to provide abundance
  • Manifestations require inspired action AND a physical way for energy to land
  • I listened to the professionals when they gave me their advice and took it on board – it has paid off
  • You are in control of opening yourself up to abundance, take the lead

It is not hard to start and it is easy once you know how. Trust the experts but also take it upon yourself to understand what is going on.

Sending you abundance energy because it is so heavily the theme of everything for me at the moment.

Sarah x

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