Daily writing prompt
Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

Leaving my job. 100%.

It was a risk. As a sole provider of my house hold and as someone who had contributed 50% to every relationship I had been in, also years and years into a career I had created for myself.. leaving my job and coming to rely on another person was so overwhelming. It took months for me to even take the leap and leave and after I did, it took me months again to stop stressing, feeling guilty and having melt downs over not going into an office every day.

I did everything I could to fill my time with stressful tasks and things that continued to overwhelm me as I was just used to being overwhelmed.

My fiancé is an incredible man. Never in my life did I think I would ever be so deserving of such unconditional love. He spend weeks away from home providing for us and the choices he made, he did so to give me an opportunity to step away from a life that was suffocating me and step into a life where I had space and time to be freer within myself and what has followed for me has been beautiful.

Being about to write and share my story along with being able to sit into my spiritual mediumship is everything I didn’t know I was searching for, for such a long time.

For the first time in my life I feel like Sarah. I feel like I am the truest version of myself. I no longer need to hide behind a professional front. I get to say fuck on the internet if I see it necessary to do so. I am so unapologetically free of my own bounds and in my own energy I am just shocked at how long it took me to learn to let go of the control of it all.

I took a massive risk by going from relying only on myself after everyone else let me down for the duration of my life.

And I have never been happier.

Take the risk.

Sarah x

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