Daily writing prompt
How do you unwind after a demanding day?

Honestly, sometimes these prompts have my giggling and reflecting pretty heavily on my life choices the past year or so and I really love see how far I have come in my own inner peace and happiness.

I don’t have many days that are so demanding that I need to unwind anymore. When I worked in Real Estate I essentially needed at least one overly large glass of red wine to not feel like I was suffocating anymore. But as a spiritual biddy, you know there are things I have in my space that allow me to lean into unwinding if I need too.

Mostly crystals.

Along with certain candle scents and colours in my home to allow the brain to naturally calm down of an evening.

I also make sure we have no overhead lights on past 8pm.

This one was a huge shift for me. The nights I don’t do this I really struggle to stay asleep. I also try to get away from things that get my brain ticking. I am an analyser so I need to keep things that trigger thought process away from me from maybe 6pm onwards. If I am posting a blog or an in depth Thread post after 6, we’re not sleeping. Buckle in guys.

I also surrender a lot of what has stressed me out or bothered me over to spirit, this habit has become more of a regular occurrence when I notice my brain is going a million miles an hour into the evening. I just ask them to take whatever the energy is and return it to me at a more convenient time. Works pretty well to be honest.

Spiritual tips for unwinding.

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I have not slept very well the last two nights in a row. But I have also not helped myself in my habits and what I do in the evenings. Personal boundaries are challenging yo.

But enjoy your weekend.

Sarah x

2 responses to “Unwinding”

  1. K Mighty S avatar

    Good job♥️

    Liked by 1 person

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