Daily writing prompt
Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

You can’t ask me to jot down the first thing that comes to my mind and expect it not to be something profound. My mind is complex and confusing.

It doesn’t matter what you do, just that you do it with intention.

When I do readings for people, one of the biggest questions I am asked is “How do I change..”. At times it’s how do I change my circumstances, others it’s how to I change my life, sometimes it’s how do I change my relationships. I also made a post on Threads yesterday about the use of crystals and why they work for me, and of course someone charged in on about how they don’t. So, lets talk about intetion.

If you jump on Google and start typing in manifestation techniques or spiritual energies or whatever it is you’re seeking an answer for, there is infinite options out there. Annoyingly infinite. So I am going to simplify it for you.

Choose what resonates or what‘s easiest.

It is as simple as that.

We have had Leukemia Chaos since December, my god I was so tired and so was she. Sick of meds, sick of injections, sick of being at the vet. Up until March it was just so frustratingly difficult to exist along side cancer and we were barreling down giving up.

Being a medium, one day I just asked what in the damn hell is going on energetically that is causing such a riot. Should have done it weeks beforehand but you know, we live and we learn. But dogs are protectors, think about it logically here. Nahla is a witchy dog too, you meet her and you know she knows. You can see it in her eyes. So I know she protects me energetically. She takes on so much for me.

Nahla has Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. I had Chronic Kidney failure with the condition heavily effecting my blood and consistently sending sepsis through my blood stream.

Yes, yes I hear you “They are not related, how can you say that.” Poppycock. Stop reading right here, right now if you HONESTLY want to argue with me that we both have disorders that heavily affect out blood and send us both into sepsis and immunity overloads. Not a thing, in the bin. Thank you.

So, energetically from December onwards, NON COINCIDENTALLY IF YOU’RE STILL HERE! Eleven days after I had surgery for Endometriosis, reticent fibroids and retrograde bleeding into my abdomen, yes, there is more to my medical story than you know just yet. Nahla had a major infection in her bowels. I am talking fever of 41 degrees, extreme pain, vomiting, blood in her stool and a white blood cell count of 227,000. For those of you who are new here, white blood cell count belongs at 10,000. That’s twenty-seven times higher than normal.

Guess who had an infection in her surgery incision. Because that was me.

Now. Intentions. When I tapped in to my girl, I could see the darkness funnelling in through us both and how much she was trying to protect me and take on for me.

Simple solution – Shungite. Immediate barrier. She has had it around her neck now for a good two weeks, perhaps slightly longer I can’t remember, but since I put it on we have had nothing unexpected. Nothing.

Now again, guys. Nahla has stage five Chronic Leukemia. It is an extremely advanced and very aggressive disease. I do not I’ve in delulu land and she is on multitude of medications, gets regular vet checks and we have an amazing team behind us supporting us through what she needs medically. This blog and my story is not about abandoning medical science and advancement for woo woo. My story is sharing that there is a balance between the two. I myself and Nahla would be dead without Doctors and medicine. 100 times over, I would have died at the age of two. If you have an issue, go and see a damn professional Doctor y’all. Then after you know what is going on we can discuss how energy can help you from there. Don’t be daft.

But back to intention.

Whether I chose shungite, obsidian, blood stone (cancer of the blood fam) or even if I went down the path of daily sage baths, frequency music, spiritual barriers.. I doesn’t matter, it is the intention behind what you do that matters. I can put a rock around her neck and if it’s for the purpose of putting a rock around her neck or I’m sitting there saying ‘this isn’t going to work’ OF COURSE ITS NOT!

Do you get into your car and expect it to drive you somewhere without turning it on and knowing where you want to go? No. Intention is required for everything.

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But again, that is me done for the morning. I am off to get a nice little booty burn at Pilates because ya girls intention is to look hot asf in my wedding dress in six months. My fiancé is a booty man.

Have an amazing day!

Sarah x

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