What are your favorite emojis?

Not 😂

I get in trouble over my communication style constantly. In particular via text message.

If I had a dollar for every time someone thought my texts were to direct or heavy hitting, it was told I should “add an emoji” to an email to soften the blow… I’d probably be rich.

My top emojis are as follows 😂🥰🤍✨🥹❤️💃🏼👀

Majority of these are to my fiancé while we manage long distance FIFO life. The rest are my sassy, spiritual nonsense on Threads or when I don’t feel like posting a caption with my Instagram photos.

This is a very late blog post for me though, Saturdays are tricky to balance posting with how my day pans out.

So thank you again for being here.

Sarah x

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